Epic fails, damning CCTV footage and the dog which likes to guard a potato: just some of the hilarious video clips that had the internet in stitches in 2021.

Here are some of the funniest dog videos enjoyed by millions in the last 12 months. Enjoy.

1. Dog's Cuddle Squishes Cat

Reclining in a soft bed, Lindsay Curtis' cat looked very content.

That is until Curtis' dog, Luna—a Great Pyrenees, comfortable five times the cat's size—decided to join in.

A clip on TikTok showed the dog sitting directly on the black and white kitty, squishing the feline. It's something about the look the cat gives its owner that makes it.

2. Tiny Yorkie Fleeing Police Car

A cute, little Yorkshire Terrier appears to dash at full speed from a nearby police car in another clip which went viral earlier this year.

It was all the funnier by being set to the seminal 1980's track "Bad Boys," a song associated with TV show Cops.

3. Dog Steals Water Being Drunk By Owner

Footage of a Golden Retriever greedily attempting to snatch water from his owner also went viral this year.

The video, which has racked up millions of views on TikTik, shows owner Annie's pet leaning in and attempt to brazenly steal her water bottle from right under her nose.

4. Dog's Reaction To Stealing Food

A greedy dog's reaction to being caught in the act provoked hilarity on Twitter.

When the clever canine realises it has been spotted, it pauses before its expression visibly shifts from happiness to sadness when it realises the game is up.

5. Dog Transforms Into Christmas Gift

Another cute clip on TikTok showed a dog owner cleverly using video editing to turn his pet pal into a festive present.

Scott Hubbard is seen brandishing a bow at a small dog when, all of a sudden, the adorable animal transforms into a gift good enough for Santa Claus.

6. Dog's Hilarious Reaction To Kiss Rejection

Dogs are generally affectionate creatures, and this one did not take rejection well.

TikTok user Peaches shared footage of what happened when Springer Spaniel and Shiba Inu mix Rosie's affections are jokingly rejected.

A dejected Rosie taps the girl's face in a plain-as-day attempt to be noticed, much to the merriment of those who watched.

7. Dog Guards Potato

"Every night around 9 p.m,, my dog picks a random object to guard," TikToker Branden Hampton told us earlier this month.

"Tonight, it's a potato." Brilliant.

8. Dog Staring at Man via Mirror

Surreal footage sees a man peering down a corridor reflected in a mirror—only to see a dog doing exactly the same from a room down the hallway.

The TikTok clip was captioned: "The chances of being killed by a Golden Retriever are very low...." proved a hit on the social media site this year.

9. Dog Writhing in Muddy Bog

Footage of a dog excitedly wriggling in deep, filthy water was loved by millions of viewers in 2021.

Golden Retriever Bilbo instantly turned from white-gold to muddy-black, with the uploader jokingly reading the mind of the dog in the caption: "What they gonna do??? Shoot me??? I doubt it"

10. Scary-Cat Dog Gets Frightened By Own Echo

A hapless hound appeared pathetically perturbed by the sound of his own bark, in another TikTok clip that went viral in November.

The video sees the highly amusing reaction of puppy Murph immediately cease wagging his tail and putting on an anxious expression after hearing his bark echo back at him.

11. Dog Joyously Leaping Into Snow Loop

Viewers were left in stitches at an hilarious montage of an excitable Staffordshire Bull Terrier greeting the great outside in exactly the same way—whatever the weather.

The equal parts endearing and funny footage was wittingly-and accurately-captioned: "Ever seen a flying Staffy?!"

12. Dog Caught On Kitchen Camera After Owners Go To Bed

Damning CCTV footage captured adorable puppy Lola's nocturnal exploits.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Poodle mix is seen jumping onto the kitchen top before nestling down for the night in the clip captioned "Why my puppy is no longer trusted alone in the kitchen."

13. Dog Walks Away On Hind Legs

Kassondra M. Van Wyk busted her pet Nala suspiciously standing at the kitchen top.

When hearing her name called, the dog's head pokes around from behind the fridge before turning around and casually sauntering to the other side of the room on their hind legs.

14. Dog's Swim Fail Melts Hearts

A clip of Dachshund puppy racked-up more than 20 million views on TikTok.

Adorable Ember made cute yet ridiculous attempts to swim in a small bowl.

The clip, captioned "On today's episode of: if I fits, I swims," at one point sees the pet inadvertently tip the vessel onto its side, spilling the little water already in it.

15. Dog Dressed in Wool Bamboozles Sheep

You've likely heard the expression "mutton dressed as lamb," well how about "sheepdog dressed as sheep?"

Footage showed a Border Collie wrapped up in sheep's clothing, confusing a flock in April.

Whenever the obedient Border Collie turns to look at the sheep as they creep towards the pet imposter, they immediately stop in their tracks.

16. Dog With 'Bilingual' Howls Shows 'Spicy Sides'

French Bulldog Walter Geoffrey's unusual vocal range sparked hilarity in footage uploaded to TikTok in November.

The clip captioned: "He wakes up and chooses which Walter he is going to give us", offers an edited mix of his range, from human-sounding "ruffs", howls and growls.

17. Dog Stops Play Fight on Magic Word

This TikTok clip begins with Boxer puppy Sadie joyfully engaged in an excitable game with her human pal.

But when the adorable pup hears her opponent call for "Mom," they immediately stop in their tracks, and somewhat sheepishly jumps to a nearby chair.

18. Dog Wrecks Hilarious Havoc With Big Stick

German shepherd Sadie sent the Internet into stitches after inadvertently wrecking some of her owners' possessions.

Viral footage uploaded in August finds the pet somehow entering its owners' front room with a cumbersome stick in its mouth, and leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

19. Dog's Reaction To Owner's 'Attack' by Vaccum

When Quincy thinks she sees a man appearing to be sucked into a vacuum cleaner, the Alsatian heroically comes to his rescue.

In a second scene, a different man copies the same scenario; however, this time his cute white dog called Quincy is shown looking passively on.

20. Sweet Compilation Shows Dog's Hilarious Fails

A warm-hearted montage presents the video clip uploaders presenting a pretty convincing case for why "not all golden retrievers are smart."

A TikTok clip jokingly captioned "Smart in her own way," shows Lady walking into a glass sliding door, failing in her attempt to swipe a ball submerged underwater and getting distracted by her reflection during a game of chase.

 Funniest Dog Videos
Dogs have featured heavily in some of the funniest viral videos of the year Getty Images